The country's principal business federation issued a statement predicting that the exchange of currency would not curb inflation, and might accelerate it.
Officials of the business federation and the farm bureau said that in the event full repeal failed, they might push for approval of the Democratic plan.
The leading Turkish business federation has urged quicker progress toward full democracy here, but political and military leaders have strongly rejected its suggestions.
The Chamber is a not-for-profit business federation that advocates and provides services for the 4,500 members in the greater Oklahoma City region.
A new report by the country's largest business federation describes that quake as "the biggest one of the 20th century affecting a large populated industrialized area."
Mikitani had joined Keidanren, the powerful Japanese business federation, in 2004.
The business federation does not see it that way.
Smaller companies, presumably bigger risk takers, were most interested in the park, according to the private business federation.
Carlos Fernández, who leads Venezuela's most important business federation, was arrested early yesterday.
"There is no need for a nanny state," Richard Dodd, a spokesman for the business federation, said today.