Its introduction followed several years of self-scrutiny by the university's business faculty.
The university's business faculty, Birmingham City Business School, is a major centre for business, computing and management education.
He consolidated disparate resources, linking the economics and business faculties, for example.
The opposite is true, however, in business disciplines, where the anticipated shortfall of business faculty may reach 2,400 openings by 2012.
He returned to Harvard as a member of the business faculty and retired in 1985.
His business faculties were very great.
Although Piscataway's schools were never found guilty of discrimination, the 10-member business faculty had only one black teacher, Debra Williams.
That choice, made pursuant to a state affirmative action policy, kept the business faculty from reverting to all-white.
Within the business faculties themselves, the reaction to the announced deals has ranged from approval to confusion.
Facing diminishing funding and budget pressures, Cheit lobbied and won increased salary scales for business faculty.