Most of the business crowd had gone, leaving the place about a third full, mainly with kids from Georgetown University.
The business crowd around there is usually pretty good on tips, not like the tourists in Hollywood.
A favourite with local dignitaries and the business crowd.
In the evening, it is largely a well-dressed older clientele; at lunch, a business crowd takes over.
"I meet nice people here," she said one recent morning, as the rush-hour business crowd faded, replaced by young women with babies and toddlers.
Yes, but will "We met over juice" resonate in the business crowd that is meant to be the core clientele?
At lunch, the room is filled with a business crowd, while evenings are more relaxed.
The business crowd goes in the morning, mothers meet there by day, and teenagers congregate at night.
My kind of material works better with the business crowd.
Reservations might be wise for lunch, because of the local business crowd.