All the while this was going on, Jackie was busily preparing breakfast.
Early 1961 found the 482nd busily preparing for the newly modified aircraft and the assignment of nuclear weapons.
But will the alliance not lose credibility if it is seen busily preparing for the future while pointedly ignoring the present?
We found Joel in the kitchen busily preparing breakfast.
At home, Basanti and her father are busily preparing for the wedding.
Today, they are busily preparing for a pandemic.
Election officials here spent the day busily preparing for what they said would be six consecutive days of 14-hour shifts.
I am therefore busily preparing for what must follow, all in order to avert that which might otherwise follow.
The young chaplain looked surprised; I expected he had been busily preparing spiritual counsel himself for the new king.
Kelly was busily preparing a big lunch for the kids who'd surely be hungry after swimming.