Senator McCain's bus has skidded once more into a ditch since the Edwards news conference.
While travelling along the M2 motorway, the bus skidded due to mechanical brake failure and fell into a ravine.
February 10 - A Red Arrow bus skidded out of control and flipped on its side near Redwater, Alberta.
The bus skidded forward and the body disappeared under the low front.
Mr. Viner's speed was unclear, but Mr. Jenkins, the bus driver who was trailing, said he thought his friend's bus skidded on a patch of snow while speeding.
Many streets did remain clogged for days after the recent storms, and after one such storm last week, a child was killed when a bus skidded on icy pavement and ran over him.
In Assam, 51 wedding guests died when their overloaded bus skidded into a deep canal, the police said.
His bus skidded hard right and wound up diagonally across East Capitol.
The driver's head had whipped around as the bus skidded into a fire hydrant, snapping off the top and sending .
The bus skidded, and the three of them were hurled against the restraining harnesses as their picnic basket slid forward.