Within peak hours (1000 - 1100 hrs), about 100 bus departures and 90 bus arrivals take place.
Every day, the terminal has around 700 bus departures, transporting some 170,000 passengers.
An automated voice announcement system is used to announce bus departures and what stop the bus is departing from.
There are 42 bus departures each day.
Most of the itinerary concerns the times of meetings, practices and bus departures.
Tickets, $50, and information on bus departures, from 212-737-7441.
How do I get bus departures on my mobile phone?
The weather also delayed bus departures from Chicago and other cities throughout the region.
In 2011, there were more than 2.263 million bus departures from the terminal.
A resonant female voice began the count-down on the bus departure and at the last moment Jean decided to ride out to the airport with me.