In case of a transmission collision, the bus arbitration used in the CAN bus allows the frame with the smallest id to be transmitted first and without a delay.
Bus mastering capability, bus arbitration, and true plug-and-play BIOS management of hardware were all benefits of MCA.
As a side effect, the CAN identifier groups in Figure 1 have an impact on the priority of the message transmission in case of bus arbitration.
Because the slot position at which each communication action takes place is defined a priori, no further bus arbitration is necessary.
When you've got two processors, one of the main issues you have to work out is who gets control of the bus and when (this issue is called bus arbitration).
Single master, up to 16 slaves (i.e. no bus arbitration).
The PCI bus arbiter performs bus arbitration among multiple masters on the PCI bus.
Back in the 386 days, when you only had one processor on the bus calling the shots, bus arbitration wasn't an issue.
By the way, all of the above info on bus arbitration can be extrapolated out for the Xeon.
Buster controls bus arbitration and DMA for the Zorro II expansion subsystem.