Better bury gold in the embankments, than put it in ornaments on the stations.
She smiled, but made no answer, knowing that he was thinking of the place so far away where he believed that once the Portuguese had buried gold.
And there are those who bury gold and silver and spend it not in the way of Allah.
Between the trees I have buried ten iron-bound chests, bars of silver, gold, diamonds, and jewels to the sum of 200,000 pounds sterling.
He buried "so much silver and gold and some other artefacts who can survive moisture", after that the river was returned to its original course.
He supposedly buried gold on the island, and people are still trying to find it.
He that had wit would think that I had none, To bury so much gold under a tree And never after to inherit it.
This was not gold country, although it might be buried gold.
Why would a man bury gold in the ground?
Why should anybody bury gold?