Going between will have stopped Thread burrowing further into your dragon..." A muted chorus of disgust and fearfulness greeted that concept.
He burrowed further into the things on the shelf.
She could feel the thick phallus-shaped wedge burrowing further and further into her gaping hole until it had impaled her to the hilt.
He burrows further into the analogy.
He rewarded her answer by burrowing further, penetrating her as deeply as possible.
Having picked the rest of the building clean, searchers cannot burrow further into that mound of rubble for fear it would make the building's support columns buckle.
"It's all over the Bazaar," Bunny explained, burrowing further into my chest.
He continued to burrow further into the sweetly pungent fissure until Mela's breath caught and she arched her body up to him as though it were a tightly drawn bow with an unfired arrow.
Since moving here, Mr. Schiff has used his proximity to Mozart's birthplace to burrow further under the skin of a composer he already knew intimately.
She used her free hand to burrow further into the cloak.