Feeling his sandy hair going dark with perspiration, his face russet and blotchy, Kirk retrieved his burned arm from the housing.
Then he finds himself on a gurney in a hospital being rushed to the operating room for treatment for his burned arms.
Michael stared at her, the agony of his burned arm receding.
Chapter 31 In the dark Amanda stumbled and fell hard against her burned arm.
But she was looking, instead, at the stone dust on his burned arms, the wet shirt clinging to his ribs, the lines of his long legs.
Cliff and Alison play a tender scene as he puts soap on her burned arm, establishing that their relationship is affectionate, but not sexual.
Feeling as though he were moving through thick mud, he changed into a long-sleeved shirt to cover his burned arms, and a pair of soft, loose-fitting trousers.
Several neighbors said they heard the youth crying for help as he ran onto the sidewalk, clutching his burned arm.
Dasein tried to raise himself on his elbows, but the effect set his burned arms to throbbing.
Then she bent to examine his burned arm and tsk-tsked over it-in her case it was actually a sort of bup-bup sound-before she turned to me.