He swept one hand in a slashing arc, indicating all of Orvilla, burning freely now.
Since fires cannot burn freely, many new species are taking over, and preventing sunlight from reaching shorter plants.
The dock fires had been contained, but the east end burned freely; there was nothing to keep the fire from engulfing the whole of the city.
Fires were left to burn freely.
Now, then, did my spirit fully and freely burn with more than all the fires of her own.
"We do not intend to allow any fire to burn freely."
The smoke was getting thicker by the second as books burned freely, setting fire to tumbled shelves and furniture.
Earlier, there had been attempts to put out the fires, but they were now abandoned; the thatch burned freely, crackling as burning strands rose into the air.
Since 1972, park management in Yellowstone has followed a policy called "natural burn," under which most naturally occurring fires are allowed to burn freely.
The fire was allowed to burn freely, a result of local forest management policy and the lack of settlements in the region.