So, after this, there was silence in the hall where Namirrha sat before the eidolon; and the flames burned darkly, with changeable colors, in the skull-shapen lamps; and the shadows fled and returned, unresting, on the face of the statue and the face of Namirrha.
There was an armed party ahead of the main column, five blacks dressed in the tatters of cast-off European-style clothing and carrying muskets, but at their head was a white man, a little man with a face like a vicious gnome, wrinkled and burned darkly by the sun.
From time to time, blue electrical sparks trilled off the tram wires across the river, and the gold decorations on buildings burned darkly in the navy light.
Weight and pressure grew by such terrible strides that there was no telling anymore whether the stone was liquid or solid: it simply burned darkly, raging to be free, yet having nowhere to go.
In his long, pale lantern face his eyes burned darkly, like half-consumed embers.
His eyes burned darkly at the prisoners.
Zayn was quivering with eagerness for the kill, his mouth working, his eyes burning darkly.
The girl turned, her green eyes burning darkly.
The woman's eyes were burning darkly at Jeanne.
A clean-shaven Norman face, with a long, straight nose and an arrogant jaw, and eyes burning darkly in great hollow sockets.