I remember how my heart tightened and burned coldly inside me when I heard.
Dark eyes burned coldly in a pale, controlled face, framed by auburn hair cropped close to the skull.
The words streamed from her bitten lips like a great wind, as the stone burned coldly against her flesh.
It burned coldly, like comet ice.
"Another day," Lehmann said, turning to face the south, his eyes burning coldly in the glass of his face.
Tears blinded her, burning coldly in the icy wind.
The whole scene was lighted by flames that burned coldly in the air, or with no heat greater than that of human bodies fired with passion.
Dark blue eyes burned coldly in a pale, impassive face framed by short-cropped auburn hair.
Maris' hate filled emerald eyes burning coldly like ice into his pig-like face as she dismounted.
But what the audience did not notice was that his chest was not heaving and that his eyes were coldly burning as ever.