Tom Laing was a man of about forty-five, a burly, cheerful individual who limped heavily upon a stick, the result of an aircraft crash.
A burly individual in heavy flying gear, the golden crescent of a major on his collar.
The game's plot revolves around a group of burly individuals toting futuristic weapons who have become stranded on an alien planet.
Sean, a big burly individual with an endearing sense of humor, had a one-man show in the Village which was quite a success.
A burly individual in a carpenter's leather apron appeared in the doorway as they set foot on the steps.
A man approached him, a burly individual with a deep frown.
He was a burly, red-faced individual in a rumpled tan suit and a Panama hat.
One gate was already shut, the other was being slowly closed by a burly individual who was pushing the massive gate handle.
And he could call on half a dozen volunteer security "officers," burly individuals who would rush to the hospital if they were needed.
There were two particularly burly individuals who had been notably at each other's throats all day, to the delight of the crowd.