Peter Grant (1935-1995), actor and music executive, is buried in the civil cemetery here, following a funeral in the parish church.
He was buried on Nui on 25 July 2011 following a state funeral.
Prince Rainier, who did not remarry, was buried alongside her following his death in 2005.
Former drummer The Rev was buried here following his death.
The nine men that were hanged were buried immediately following their execution.
The body was eventually buried in the first half of 2008, following years of fruitless waiting for approval from authorities.
The idea was quickly buried following the 2010 election.
Mr. Hamdiya was buried soon after he died, following Muslim custom, and the police say they did not have a chance to examine his body.
Barrett is now buried in his home county Cork following the government's exhumation and re-interment.
Hassan II was buried there following his death in 1999.