But buried amongst the transparent smiles were some pictures she couldn't remember ever having seen before (had Rory kept them from her?)
These supplies were ferried ashore and buried amongst the towering dunes.
The cemetery contains special memorials to the 27 casualties believed to be buried amongst the 3,593 unidentified burials.
Eight kings are buried there, amongst them Robert the Bruce.
This revelation was buried amongst a lot of other text describing more overt participation in the community such as:
He was 30 years old and his remains were buried amongst Christians.
Buried amongst all the technoporn and science-as-psychedelia were a few shots worth salvaging.
The cemetery contains special memorials to 58 casualties believed to be buried amongst 160 unidentified graves.
He was then buried amongst many other great writers of the past in Westminster Abbey.
She is buried in the park in a grave close to the research center, and amongst the gorillas which became her life.