Germanic burials show a preference for gold coins, but even within a single cemetery and a narrow time period, their disposition varies.
The burials in Pacatnamu do not show much variation between the sexes, but there is a small degree of variation when it comes to children's burials.
The burial shows that many elements of Mesoamerican burials are older than previously thought.
We could never know what that demon message was - but those burials at Lake's camp had shown how much importance the beings attached to their dead.
Early burials show that the site was already occupied in the 8th or 7th century BC.
These burials show the importance of donkeys to the early Egyptian state and its ruler.
The burials found in the main ceremonial center showed evidence of nobility such as inlaid teeth and fronto-occipital cranium deformation.
These burials show evidence for deliberate placement.
Ancient Jewish burials - where a tomb was used - then the bones gathered up and placed in a burial casket - show a similarity of practice.
The burials show a continuity of ritual tradition from the Bronze Age through to the 7th century.