Following the court ruling, two attempts were needed to perform the burial of Guibord's remains in Côte-des-Neiges Cemetery.
Hairstyles - based upon burial remains, men of the Basketmaker culture sometimes wore fancy hairstyles and it's hypothesized that women generally wore their hair cut short.
And burial of the Swissair remains could have been delayed for years.
Extensive burials of cat remains were found not only at Bubastis, but also at Beni Hasan and Saqqara.
Archeologists found two million artifacts, such as lithic stone tools, shel and stone beads, and arrowheads, and ancient burial remains.
From about the 2nd century CE, inhumation (burial of unburnt remains) in sarcophagi, often elaborately carved, became more fashionable for those who could afford it.
Anglo-Saxon burial remains from about AD 500 have also been discovered.
In many parts of the moor contemporary burial and religious sites remain in the form of barrows, cists, stone circles and stone rows.
Nevertheless, this burial remains as a political manifestation of a size that was not found elsewhere in Romanian history.
Active siltation and burial of the vessel remains at the site is visible.