These burials included 29 infants, 11 children, 7 juveniles, and 133 adults.
Burial 3 included three small ring-footed pottery vessels inside the coffin.
For this reason burials included a number of statuettes named shabti, or later ushebti.
Their megalithic burials included ceramics, stone tools and ornamental gifts.
Later burials inside the church includes the soprano Nancy Storace.
Within it are included his incarnation, suffering, death and burial with sometimes a fifth aspect included - descent into hell.
These burials include a number of human sacrifices, as demonstrated by mangled body parts and skulls from decapitated victims.
These burials included pottery urns, a pair of silver discs and a gold armlet.
The burials have included Constitutional amendments to require a balanced budget and to prohibit burning the American flag.
Other notable burials include some local congressmen.