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In legislated and bureaucratized systems, he said, it is hard to bring about change.
"Once you get institutionalized and bureaucratized it's hard to be freewheeling," he said.
Very few people on the Left these days advocate centralized and bureaucratized models of economic allocation.
Over time, as the movement expanded and bureaucratized, he was forced to relax his personal supervision.
"We have to bureaucratize your organization - but without losing the entrepreneurial zeal that got us the Games."
The chief complaint is that the number of clerks has so proliferated as to have bureaucratized the Court.
Recognition of unemployment occurred slowly as economies across the world industrialized and bureaucratized.
The danger of bureaucratizing the Spirit in this way became clear two years later, in what would be known as the bad books episode.
With us the soviets have been bureaucratized as a result of the political monopoly of a single party, which has itself become a bureaucracy.
"That's missing from the advertising business as it gets conglomeratized and bureaucratized."
But the force is now more bureaucratized."
It's unusual for the late 20th century, when people are compartmentalized and bureaucratized."
Trotsky set himself the dangerous task of explaining how not only the state but also the Party had come to be excessively bureaucratized.
"That's not a vision," he wrote back in July 1990, accusing them of "bureaucratizing the effort and sending it to oblivion."
Second, they can tailor their packaging and pricing to fit the needs of smaller retailers, something that larger, bureaucratized companies cannot do.
It is therefore crucial to find a way of routinizing, even bureaucratizing, the exercise of imagination.
As cults grow, they bureaucratize and develop many of the characteristics of denominations.
As in most descriptions of horrific events, new phrases are used to bureaucratize or euphemize them.
"The urge to bureaucratize is part of Original Sin, and no messiah has come to deliver us from it."
It is not to bureaucratize.
As more of the field officer's job is bureaucratized and made more 'scientific', he finds himself spending less time on the river bank.
The only things that have changed since then are that the stakes have gotten smaller, the process more bureaucratized, and the personalities less interesting.
We have bureaucratized youth, then harnessed their inevitable frustration to power a lucrative, commercialized youth culture.
They love to bureaucratize."