Type A is a bureaucratic culture with an authoritarian face.
What subverts the system is the bureaucratic culture in public schools.
Still, it remains true that bureaucratic cultures are resistant to change.
The whole operation is threatened, both by a traitor and by its own bureaucratic culture.
Many highly qualified people will not even consider teaching in public school systems, particularly in the cities, because of their unprofessional and bureaucratic cultures.
In the organization, he said, another set of problems arose from "changing the traditional bureaucratic culture."
And, they add, it is hard to create alliances and make changes when a bureaucratic culture is entrenched.
But most who signed the letter came from other disciplines, where the differences from the Pentagon in bureaucratic culture may be especially pronounced.
And there is no mistaking the depth and breadth of the bureaucratic culture in a managed economy.
Mr. Paschke acknowledged that it would take time to change the bureaucratic culture.