The administrative court was set up to resolve complaints against the misconduct, neglect or outright abuse by bureaucratic and government agencies.
These elements make up a bureaucratic agency in the case of the state and a bureaucratic enterprise in the private economy.
Virtually all these energy sources have faced regulatory burdens obtaining permits and leases from overly bureaucratic federal agencies.
It was the only bureaucratic agency of the Chinese government to operate continuously as an integrated entity from 1854 to 1950.
Macey speculates that both current interest groups and Congress benefit from the careful structure and design of a bureaucratic agency.
Central to the concept of an iron triangle is the assumption that bureaucratic agencies, as political entities, seek to create and consolidate their own power base.
Legislatures pass laws that are then carried out by public servants working in bureaucratic agencies.
How closing down some bureaucratic agency constitutes book burning is only a conclusion that the good Mr. Babbitt can reach.
In pluralist theory bureaucratic agencies not only orchestrate group pressures so as to influence the development of public policy indirectly.
In addition, a bureaucratic agency may be given preferential access to some inputs, such as land, through planning legislation, for example.