The bureau promotes a drug-free lifestyle by engaging schools and the community as strategic partners in the fight against drugs.
The bureau promoted a 1936 commercial film, "Tell Your Children," warning that marijuana caused teenagers to rape, murder and commit suicide.
The bureau also promotes pro-competitive policies abroad, coordinates global spectrum activities and advocates U.S. interests in international communications and competition.
In addition, the bureau promotes the Buddhist faith by sponsoring educational and public relations materials on the faith and practice in daily life.
And Don't Forget Conventions The bureau has also been promoting Westchester's convention and meeting possibilities.
The bureau is promoting the city as an "entertainment destination."
Under the program, the bureau would promote the census by teaming up with thousands of organizations - including state, local and tribal governments, churches, schools, corporations and community service groups.
The Southern West Virginia visitor's bureau promotes the resort as "the most accessible, affordable ski resort in the Southeast".
The bureaux also promote Australia as a whole.
The bureau emphasizes sustainable solutions guided by local dynamics and actors, and promotes unity of effort, the strategic use of scarce resources, and burden-sharing with international partners.