Most foreign bureaus in China employ local people to help scour official sources, newspapers and the Internet for information, and to assist in translations.
Mr. Citarella said his bureau employs special software to find hidden and even deleted files.
The Director, Louis J. Freeh, said the bureau would never again employ such tactics.
This is not to say that the bureau employed no safeguards in protecting the privacy interests of the individuals about whom information was provided.
The bureau also employs relatively many low pollution vehicles as Japanese bus operator, including 157 natural gas buses.
The bureau employs several reporters who give live reports to the various Hearst affiliates.
The bureau employs 90 people and is responsible for rail and bus operations.
According to the suit, the bureau employs about 2,000 special agents, of whom 160 are black.
Because the bureau would not employ these problematic techniques, our agents who knew the most about the terrorists could have no part in the investigation.
In a rural area in and around Columbia, S.C., the bureau will employ more traditional methods.