Eighty-two thousand dollars sounded like a fortune after so many years of burdensome debt and meager income.
In a single stroke, Dresden wiped out its burdensome public debt.
The accord was aimed at applying pressure on Brazil to reduce spending and ease increasingly burdensome debts.
The economic difficulties, particularly a burdensome public debt, threaten one of Latin America's few economic bright spots.
His firm had all the right reasons for avoiding the new securities: the burdensome debt, lack of confidence in management's projections, the long payback.
That would double the amount provided annually by the bond, without the burdensome debt.
She found, for example, that a transplanted organ was considered a priceless gift by some recipients and a burdensome debt by others.
They say the expansions left the chains with burdensome debt and taxed their ability to supervise care and manage costs.
We had 12 objectives I established for Goodyear, two of which were primary: reducing our very burdensome debt and improving the operating performance.
Many analysts now believe that Macy overpaid for the two retailers, and that the burdensome debt from the purchase played a major role in the bankruptcy.