The Federal court system will be burdened further in the years ahead with the hundreds of criminal cases now being prepared against former executives of failed savings institutions, Government officials said.
Apart from the uncertainty of the fate of Tanus, I had been further burdened by my Lord Intef with the onerous duty of arranging the wedding ceremony of the king to his daughter, a duty that ran so contrary to my own desires.
His vocal backing of these movements further burdened Zambia, since these countries were the country's main trading partners.
When they could be burdened further, younger boys and girls would be shipped-old enough to help but not to pioneer.
Heavy inflow of rural populace has further burdened this old system, needing immediate overhauling.
Horses ate around ten times as much food by weight as a human, and hay and oats further burdened already overloaded transport services.
I have not burdened the book further with any sort of commentary or annotation.
The police are first in line to be burdened further, but a new Race Relations Act will impose the will of the state on millions of other lives too.
Furthermore, Mr President, even if the doctors are honest and carry out these examinations correctly, it can happen that the way they are done does not suit the doctor responsible for treatment, who then has to call for another examination with the result that examinations are repeated and the funds are burdened still further.