It was a day where the plodding Red Sox had two bunt singles and a sacrifice bunt.
Lajoie hit safely eight times in a doubleheader, but six of those hits were bunt singles.
Thompson and Will Clark led off the sixth inning with bunt singles.
Viola limited the Astros to two bunt singles and left only because of a muscle spasm on his right side.
The next day, he recorded three hits, two of which were bunt singles, and also stole his first base in the Major leagues.
He was, however, a great bunter and gathered a significant number of bunt singles in his career.
He and David Wright, the star third baseman, were victims of two consecutive bunt singles by the Braves in the third inning.
"We can score by stealing bases," said Easley, reflecting on bunt singles and home runs and everything in between.
He has 18 bunt singles.
Cleveland Naps' Nap Lajoie went 8-for-8 in a doubleheader where six of his hits were bunt singles.