It figures again in his video performance "Starting Over," which features the artist in a ridiculous bunny costume.
But a Google search for "bunny costume" brought me to my senses fast.
He was dressed in a suit that looked as unnatural on him as a bunny costume.
I said, pointing out a floppy-eared bunny costume at ($23.99).
In some ways the new parlors recall the old Playboy clubs, but without the bunny costume.
When children turn in their bucket of eggs, they receive a goody bag from a human dressed in a bunny costume.
The mother goes upstairs to find the protagonist jumping up and down in a bunny costume.
For example, the time her bunny costume scared a woman away.
The woman is then seen putting on a bunny costume and holding a knife in her hand while on the phone.
Benanti wore a black bunny costume and held a tray with drinks on the cover photo.