By the time they're all together, we know these women well, and their stories bump together to strike real comic sparks.
Like two moths clumsily bumping together, with no more weight than that, their lips touched.
Lest we bump together, I'll abide until you have him safe.
She liked the way people crowded inside, bumping together as they clung to metal straps.
Dirt particles so small he couldn't even have seen them when he had been his normal size bumped together and were ground down finer still.
Shawn and me, we bumped together a few times when the mood struck.
His mother followed him closely, the two of them bumping together and sliding against each other.
No more than any man hurts any woman when their hearts bump together.
She came up onto the rung next to him, their bodies bumping together for the first time without the cushioning resistance of water.
Clutching the adults, they walked cautiously outside, bumping together as they moved.