The body of a drowned man, bumping lightly against the side of the canoe, roused him to horrified new efforts.
Another try, and they bumped lightly against the projector.
The belly kissed the snow and bumped lightly, once, twice, and then settled down like a giant ski.
Aurora bumped lightly against the fenders of the seawall as they tied up.
One bumped lightly into Roarke as they passed.
Something bumped lightly against his legs, startling him from the doze he'd fallen into.
The pistol blew just as they bumped lightly against the roof and started sliding down toward the eaves.
Wood bumped lightly on wood and a rope was made fast.
It angled down the canal toward them, sweeping back and forth, lightly bumping the walls to either side.
There was an answering shout from the ship and they rowed in, bumping lightly against the tall hull.