Newman bumped Jarrett from behind during the race, putting him into the wall.
She told me they were old friends from high school, and they somehow bumped into each other during Christmas break.
I might accidentally bump your leg during the night.
She is a guild member, and joins Neptune's party after they bump into her during their second dungeon excursion.
Sonar can also be used to uncover "desynched" units without having to bump into them during a turn.
But Sunfish's head bumped the tail of Eddie's horse many times during that ride.
Rapuano has said he accidentally bumped Valentine during the argument.
But his son bumped his head during the encounter, and Ms. Anderson called the police.
There were a few minor injuries, including an 18-month-old girl who bumped her head during the impact and was knocked unconscious.
The crew was unfortunate not to bump during the competition.