The bulletin also announced that they plan on taking further action against Regain Records.
A bulletin announced that the Royal baby weighed 7lb 1 1/2oz.
Walton was ready to expect anything-a bulletin announcing the end of the universe, perhaps.
Mr. Schippers was watching television when a bulletin announced that the report had arrived.
In autumn 2010 a bulletin by Stumpen announced the bands' reunion.
One evening, just moments after the first edition had gone to press, a wire-service bulletin announced the settlement of a nationwide airline strike.
Hilton Head's only radio station began to carry bulletins announcing when employees for the island's largest company could safely cash their paychecks.
The bulletin announcing its formation stated: heralding the union's concern with low income workers more generally in addition to domestic workers.
It was a bulletin from his old high school, announcing the appointment of a new teacher, a hometown girl and a graduate of that very institution.
Circulation of bulletins announcing sales, sailings, and auctions was also common in English coffeehouses.