The bull came near the fence, lowered its head and snorted.
The bull was pawing the pavement and snorting, waiting for.
The bull snorted, its huge, horned head swinging about.
The bull snorted and pawed the ground, then ducked its head.
The bull lowered its massive head, snorted again, and hooked its black horns to the left.
The bull snorted, so close that Russell could feel the damp heat on the back of his neck.
The bull snorted angrily, half charged him, then retreated against the onslaught.
The bull pawed the ground and snorted as he shifted his attention from one roper to the other.
The bull snorted and, with her long trunk, took a swipe at the bullhand.
The bull, pausing where the last one had died, was smelling the wet sand and snorting.