It was a close game in the first half before the Bulls began pulling away.
The Bulls began to turn things around in the third quarter with the true staple of their team - defense.
The Bulls began the quarter with an 8-point lead and looked to be coasting.
It will be twenty minutes before the bulls can begin to crash in!
He actually felt the crowd catch its breath as the bull began its second attack.
The bull let out a challenging bellow and began to paw the earth.
Suddenly the great bull swung round and began to gallop towards us.
But as the day wore on, the bulls began to argue that the news was not really that bad.
Leading by 54-45, the Nets went on a 10-2 run to take a 17-point lead, and the Bulls began to lose interest.
The Bulls began playing in 1997, holding their first team meeting under a shade tree as the school had no proper football facilities on campus.