The bulky creature, the catch-carry-kind as the sharpfurs called him, was two separate creatures!
For now, Shreever had thoughts only for the bulky creature that moved purposefully above them.
He was not going to be ruled by this bulky little creature.
IT was more baffling than the sudden appearance and disappearance of the bulky, solid creature that had proven itself a gray ghost.
Sea hares are mostly rather large, bulky creatures.
He was shivering again; the darkness seemed to squat over his head like some immense, bulky creature.
Archer stepped forward and put his arm around the bulky creature, then spoke to him in almost conspiratorial tones.
They would sleep, those bulky friendly creatures-- Flandry reflected--through more than a Terran year of ice age.
It is a large, bulky creature, and possesses physical strength greater than that of human-spawned Aliens.
A gray render is a big, bulky, bulbous creature which stands 9 feet tall, despite a hunched posture, and 4 feet wide and long.