Nevertheless, they appear to be of a type that would be used in the manufacture of bulk chemicals.
Carbon monoxide is an industrial gas that has many applications in bulk chemicals manufacturing.
But the company experienced troubles in moving from high-risk, high-cost bulk chemicals to a specialty paints and chemicals business.
The industry has been shifting its focus to high-value-added speciality products from inexpensive bulk chemicals.
The district court also denied the Government's request for mandatory selling of the bulk chemical and compulsory licensing, on reasonable terms.
Not enough element 111 has been isolated to determine its bulk chemical and physical properties.
The United States Army has used ton containers to store and ship bulk chemicals, including chemical agent, since the 1930s.
The required purity and analysis depends on the application, but higher tolerance of impurities is usually expected in the production of bulk chemicals.
Heavy bulk chemicals are controlled by the provision of fixed dispensers.
Bronze valve wheels set into the side of the tank adjusted the delivery of bulk chemicals like water or saline.