She leaned down, as she was a good two inches taller than he, and his built-up shoes were more than offset by her stiletto heels.
Jesse Momberger was a lean man who wore hats that seemed like sombreros and built-up shoes that resembled boots.
By the look of him he was in his mid, or late seventies no more than four-ten, four-eleven, in his built-up shoes.
Also got built-up shoes to make me look taller.
He was a stocky older man with a built-up shoe that clopped, and an eastern European haircut that may have been done at home.
"My, my, what built-up shoes you are wearing!"
James pulled off one then the other of the built-up, cloglike shoes and massaged and kissed her malformed feet.
(Some Muppeteers wear built-up shoes so they're at the same height as their taller colleagues.)
He remembered the built-up shoe.
Now he put the special built-up shoes onto his feet.