But, given the built-in limitations of outdoor amplification, the current system is remarkably natural and free of distortion.
Vincent's a help, but he has a lot of built-in limitations.
Techniques in genetics have advanced in the Culture to the point where bodies can be freed from built-in limitations.
But from the beginning, "L.A. Law" has had certain built-in limitations.
Force shields are fine, but they also have a built-in limitation: they only last as long as their energy crystals hold out.
A Batty replicant would never have reached this stage; the built-in limitation of a four-year life span precluded it.
Until fairly recently, quartz cable had a built-in limitation at the point where the cable was attached to other structural members.
That is saying a lot, because the built-in limitations at the River Café are daunting.
Environmental theater depicting simulated brutality and degradation has a built-in limitation for an audience.
Equally, no method (with its own built-in limitations) is used exclusively or in isolation; different techniques are combined to throw light on a common problem.