He'd worn a belt with a built-in quasi-telepathic device just once and for the briefest of times.
Most of the 20 million to 30 million televisions sold every year now come with built-in channel-blocking devices, he said.
Each of these camcorders has its attributes, among them the capacity for special effects or built-in devices for steadying the picture without a tripod.
The hypothalamus reacts analogously, but much more delicately and with built-in devices.
If you're interested in intensive cardiovascular training, there are some very costly machines with built-in pulse-monitoring devices.
Your new heating system may have a built-in humidifying device.
If it had an X-ray chamber, then it was still questionable whether the built-in devices were in operation.
Seeing no way to get out of the machine and return to safety, he triggers a built-in cryogenic device.
As long as his spacesuit remained closed, he was unable to trigger the built-in self-destruct device.
The flywheel has a built-in device that can be either a motor or an electric generator.