For slide film, you can tell the camera's built-in computer to deliver three shots in one-third stop increments.
The built-in computer sifts out the noise and translates the essence into a coordinated image.
Shutting everything off did not work this time, so we opened the trunk and gave the built-in computer a smart thwack.
Mercant did seem to have a built-in computer in his head instead of a brain.
Medical devices with built-in biological computers could monitor, or even alter, cell behavior from inside a patient's body.
Yes, I'm glad you mentioned that because all sorts of modern washing machines, for example, claim to have their own built-in computer.
The desk's built-in computer and communication interfaces were better even than those she had at home on Sphinx, but that wasn't really a surprise.
This small oven is usually controlled by a simple built-in computer, the settings for which are inputted at a control panel.
But in common with many of these cameras, it is tempting to let the built-in computer do the job.
A built-in computer, meanwhile, measures the time it takes for the waves to make their round trip and figures the focusing distance based on that.