Unfortunately, the original temple first built in the early 1860s nearly two blocks upstream from the present site was destroyed by fire.
In 1984 a protective dam was built 1 km upstream from the town.
The plant was built upstream of the waterfall, so as to preserve it.
However, this plan was abandoned and the University Bridge was instead built upstream.
Boat travel on the upper river ceased when a rail line was built along the Kootenay upstream of the big bend.
The property was developed for recreational use after a new pumping plant was built upstream in the late 1950s.
In 2001, a new span was built a few yards upstream of the old span.
This bridge completed in 1997, was built upstream of the earlier bridges.
The Eastend Reservoir was built upstream from the community.
A dam was built upstream in 1901, just above the old Hell Hole bridge, to improve the water supply to the mill.