If that does not work, wash the wall with a mild solution of muriatic acid, available premixed at building-supply stores and home centers.
Replacement tiles are available at home centers and building-supply stores and from tile manufacturers.
It is available in bags of 5 to 80 pounds at building-supply stores and home centers.
For smaller jobs, you can buy the dry ingredients in bags and in bulk from building-supply stores.
If you cannot find one in a building-supply store, call a tile supply company.
The first step is always the same: I go to the local hardware or building-supply store and look in the do-it-yourself manuals for an idea.
Such stone is available from building-supply stores and brickyards; ordinary stones two to three inches in diameter will also do.
The sheeting, commonly called vapor barrier, is available at home centers and building-supply stores.
These guns are available at many home centers and building-supply stores for about $15.
Quick-setting concrete for fence posts is available at building-supply stores.