Many Kleinbrook lots were empty until building resumed in the early 1990s.
Despite controversy, building resumed in 1992 and it was completed in 1994.
Mr. Leibler predicted that building would resume later this year.
After a November 2003 ceasefire agreement, building resumed and was completed in late 2004.
To hide his reaction, Kraft turned away, resumed his progress toward the farm buildings, now less than fifty yards ahead.
In 1916 building was interrupted by World War I and did not resume until 1923, with the galleries finally opening in 1926.
Ignoring that order, the manager made repairs and the building resumed operations in 1997, sans certificate.
In 1947, civilian construction workers returned and building resumed.
After the 1939-45 war, building resumed.
After the restriction of war time, building resumed at an accelerated rate.