Following a fire in 1934, the building was refurbished by the University.
The building was completely refurbished in the summer of 1999.
The building has been refurbished three times since it opened in 1976.
The building has been refurbished three times in 1935-1936, 1980, and 2006.
During the first half of the 19th century the building was refurbished into its modern day status.
The building will be refurbished with $1 million in city money and $500,000 from area business owners.
The building has recently been refurbished and will now house retail space.
In the early 1970s, the building was refurbished as a cottage.
The building was refurbished in the 18th and late 19th centuries.
In 1991, the building was refurbished according to revised plans.