After 1685, the building passed into the hands of the Greswolde family and for the next 200 years became a tenant farm.
Ten years later, following a lawsuit, the building passed to one of Yokoi's daughters and her husband.
The store closed in the 1960s, and the building passed through several subsequent owners.
On the other hand, some stores have remained at the same sites for decades, even as their buildings passed from one owner to another.
By law, the buildings pass on to the owner's sons, but they have never done the paperwork to claim them.
After Nunn's death, the building passed through the hands of a few more owners and the station sold gasoline from various other companies.
During the 1920s the building passed ownership to the Electricity Authority.
The building then passed into the ownership of Stagecoach, who used it as their regional headquarters.
Another three years later, in 1965, the building passed to the Secretariat upon its foundation.
The building passed through various owners and was stripped in the 20th century.