The Facility Security Unit is responsible for providing security to a variety of county owned buildings and facilities.
The building owned by actress Pia Zadora for several years.
Short for fraternity house, a building owned by a college fraternity in which members may live.
The building was owned by the family, vacant for several years at the end, until sold in 1967.
Surplus land and buildings owned by engineering giant Babcock, which operates the naval dockyard, is being offered to external companies.
The same building had earlier housed the 1,075-seat Opera House, owned by a local businessman, Thomas Carter, and built in 1893.
This double-tailed flag was used by government owned ships and buildings, which did not fly the triple-tailed military ensign.
Whoever owned this building owned the whole thing.
The bank owns the building and the depositor owns the contents of his or her box.
The building also owned an ample cellar with tunnel for the test of submachine guns.