Beyond the buildings fronting the road, ancient fields and allotments survived.
The building fronted closely on the street but possessed spacious grounds in the rear.
The building fronted upon a parklike square, the center of the most exclusive district in Dorchester.
From a concealed place across from the open square on which the building fronted, the pilot studied it carefully.
The buildings fronting the Saone have a solid dignity.
Not a single horse was tied to the hitching rails and posts in front of the buildings fronting the square.
Half-timbered buildings fronted on the water, their stucco dyed in pastels.
The Clifton House is a large, handsome building, directly fronting the Falls.
Of course, the security people had found ways to compensate for their exclusion, she thought, glancing up at the buildings fronting on Steadholder's Square.
The ten-classroom two-storey building fronting Congressional Avenue was ready in the fifth year of the school's operations.