A snapshot of a building festooned with handmade signs bears the inscription "A splendid business location," while a photo of a makeshift cafe is labeled "A rare treat at the Cafe Royale after a morning of sightseeing."
Bunny Christie's design of towering skeletal buildings festooned with iron walkways, supplies an exciting wreck scene as people at all levels howl and clang and lower babies from precipitous heights.
The placid cathedral courtyard is a maze of arched passageways and squat buildings festooned with intricate Caucasian detail.
ONE night early on they came home to find the building festooned with yellow police tape.
Instead, she was standing at the edge of an open area in the midst of a crowd of tall buildings festooned with enormous neon signs of a sort that had been popular seventy or eighty years before.
He worked out today in the San Fernando Gym, an airplane hangar of a building festooned with posters of Hispanic fighters.