The area contains little good material for building churches, much of it lying on chalk and clay.
This pattern held even when he talked about the obstacles that Catholic priests say they face in building churches and retaining foreign missions.
He mainly worked in building churches and religious structures.
From the start he had set aside sites for building churches and schools.
It is more likely they will talk about help in building churches and developing stronger links with their co-religionists overseas.
They are very concerned about faith among Tropicans, and building churches and cathedrals increase their influence.
During his tenure, Brondel traveled throughout the state, establishing several new parishes and building churches.
The relatively new building adjoining the church on the north side is a three-story wedge-shaped structure, built in 1978.
After the conquest, the first artistic efforts were directed at evangelization and the related task of building churches.
He also concentrated on building churches in new suburban areas of cities and expanding educational opportunities.