The buildings, grounds and facilities cater for children and young people with a range of special needs.
This building which opened in 2002 after half a year of construction caters for Reception.
The building originally catered to middle class level tenants, including many unions and benevolent organizations.
The building will cater for art, sculpture, film, print-making, computer design and textiles.
However, because the new buildings can cater for both collaborative and independent learning, these class groups usually break off into groups of 17 to 1 teacher.
Within walking distance of the train station, the building will cater to commuters.
The building catered to Arabs and Japanese; his quarters took up the entire floor.
The building caters to a wide range of different science departments including ecology, genetics, biology, and neuroscience.
The building caters to many financial services tenants.
I was disappointed that the Council rejected my proposal to use this to finance buildings to cater for enlargement.